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This is the Function of Micro Nutrients on Plants

As already known that plants require adequate nutrition and balanced in order to grow and develop properly. Plants require 2 (two) types of nutrients to support optimal growth and development. The two types of nutrients are called macro nutrients and micro nutrients. Whereas Stevens, et. Al (2002) in Sudarma, I Made (2013) divides 3 categories of nutrients, namely macro nutrients (primary macronutrients), secondary macro nutrients (secondary macronutrients), and micro nutrients. The nutrient supply in the plant should be balanced if the plant wants to grow optimally.

Micro element (micro nutrient) is the element needed by plants in small quantities compared to primary nutrient elements. Micro nutrients include boron (B), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), molybdenum (Mo), and chlorine (Cl). If macro nutrients are expressed in percent (%; g / 100g), micro nutrients are expressed in units of ppm (mg / kg).

Function of Micro Nutrients on Plants
Simple functions of some micro nutrients in plants are as follows:

Boron (B)
Boron has a strong association with the process of formation, division and differentiation, and division of cell tasks. This is related to its role in synthetic RNA, the basic ingredient of cell formation. Boron is transported from the roots to the plant canopy through the xylem vessels. Inside the soil boron is available in limited quantities and easily washable. Boron deficiency is most common in adenium. Character similar to variegeta leaves.

Copper (Cu)
An important function of copper is the activator and carrying several enzymes. He also plays a role to help smooth the process of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll formers, and play a role in reproductive function.

Zinc or Zinc (Zn)
Almost similar to Mn and Mg, sting plays a role in enzyme activators, chlorophyll formation and helps the photosynthesis process. Disadvantages usually occur in long-used media.

Iron or Ferro (Fe)
Iron plays a role in the process of protein formation, as a catalyst for chlorophyll formation. Iron acts as a carrier of electrons in photosynthesis and respiration processes, as well as being a multiple enzyme activator. This element is not easy to move sehigga if there is a shortage difficult to repair. Fe is most often contradictory or antagonistic with other micro elements. To reduce that effect, Fe is often wrapped in chelate such as EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid). EDTA is an organic component that is stabilizing metal ions. The presence of EDTA, Fe Fe's antagonistic properties at high pH decreases considerably. In the market found with Fe-EDTA brand.

Molybdenum (Mo)
Mo served as an electron carrier to convert nitrate into an enzyme. This element also plays a role in nitrogen fixation.

Manganese (Mn)
The nutrient function of Manganese (Mn) for the plant is:
  1. A. Required by plants for protein and vitamin formation especially vitamin C
  2. B. Plays an important role in maintaining the green leaf condition on the old leaves
  3. C. Role as enzyme feroxidase and as activator of various enzymes
  4. D. Serve as an important component for smooth assimilation process
Mn is required in the cotyledon culture of lettuce to spur the growth of the number of shoots produced. High levels of Mn can substitute Mo in tomato root culture. Mn can replace the function of Mg in certain enzyme systems as proven by Hewith in 1948.
Mn is a constituent of ribosomes and also activates polymerase, protein synthesis, carbohydrates. Serving as an activator for a number of major enzymes in the krebs cycle, required for normal photosynthetic function in chloroplasts, there are indications needed in chlorophyll synthesis

Chlorine (Cl)
The function of chlorine in plants is in the function of photosynthesis. Engage in osmosis (movement of water or solutes in cells), ion balance necessary for plants to extract mineral elements and in photosynthesis.
Gejalan Tanaman Due to Nutrient Deviation

Nutrient plant distortions can be seen from plant forms such as dwarfs or declining growth, changing leaves (often white, yellow or purple), abnormal leaf shape, stems and roots and rupture of plant parts, including root systems.

Essential nutrients can also be toxic to plants including manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), and chlorine (Cl). An excessive amount of other nutrients can cause nutrient balance in the plant, resulting in poor plant quality.

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